
May 2016

I Love Gothic Fiction!

By |2016-05-15T08:28:22-04:00May 15th, 2016|News|

Gothic fiction combines fiction with horror, death and romance. In these books, the setting and surroundings seem alive and vital. They are characters in themselves. Think Wuthering Heights with its imprisonment, dark stairways, stormy weather, melancholy figures and ghosts; think Rebecca and her haunted Manderley. These stories always fascinate and enthrall. In my novel, The [...]

February 2016

Speaking Tiger’s International Catalogue

By |2016-04-24T15:34:32-04:00February 18th, 2016|News|

Dear Friends, The publication date for my novel, The Yard, is coming closer (finished all edits, and the layout is being done). Meanwhile, I'm on Speaking Tiger's international catalogue (Click here to download catalogue) with some impressive authors. Little victories as we move forward :) My listing on page 13. A>

October 2015

Amazon Kindle LitFestx (India)

By |2015-10-26T07:25:14-04:00October 25th, 2015|News|

Dear Friends, Amazon Kindle LitFestx (India) is the first online platform of its kind, allowing both bestselling Indian authors and newbies (like myself) an opportunity to connect with a live and vibrant audience. I’ve been lucky to be invited to speak at such an esteemed festival, from the comfort of my home, about my upcoming [...]

The Yard

By |2015-10-14T20:36:59-04:00October 14th, 2015|News|

Dear Friends, I wish to share my dream with you, and what I consider to be my life’s work. Over the last seven years, I’ve given birth (not to a baby as my mom hoped) but to a work of fiction, now sold to Speaking Tiger Books ( My debut novel, The Yard, was submitted [...]

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