Speaking Tiger

June 2016

May 2016

I Love Gothic Fiction!

By |2016-05-15T08:28:22-04:00May 15th, 2016|News|

Gothic fiction combines fiction with horror, death and romance. In these books, the setting and surroundings seem alive and vital. They are characters in themselves. Think Wuthering Heights with its imprisonment, dark stairways, stormy weather, melancholy figures and ghosts; think Rebecca and her haunted Manderley. These stories always fascinate and enthrall. In my novel, The [...]


By |2016-05-15T08:26:18-04:00May 15th, 2016|News|

Today I reflect on my journey from high school teacher to magazine entrepreneur to published author. I take my husband’s advice and remember to breathe fresh air, and pause, to contemplate all I’ve accomplished. It’s easy to ponder upon what’s coming, to worry about what’s undone. I worry about getting my novel, The Yard, out [...]

April 2016

The Yard has made front page news on A Woman’s Write!

By |2016-04-24T14:21:49-04:00April 24th, 2016|News|

I entered A Woman's Write literary competition in 2014, before I signed with Speaking Tiger. The editor Barbara Scott loved the complexity of my novel, The Yard, and gave me additional tips to make it even stronger. Today, it's official! The Yard is their front page success story. Please have a look. www.awomanswrite.com PS - [...]

The Yard – Kindle version now available on Amazon.com

By |2016-10-21T13:18:20-04:00April 14th, 2016|My Novels, News|

The Yard (Speaking Tiger Books), a literary romance by Aliyyah Eniath, is now released! The Kindle version can be purchased on both Amazon.in and Amazon.com. The paperback will be released in the coming weeks. We invite you to purchase the Kindle version and post honest book reviews. Should you need complimentary copies for print review [...]

February 2016

Speaking Tiger’s International Catalogue

By |2016-04-24T15:34:32-04:00February 18th, 2016|News|

Dear Friends, The publication date for my novel, The Yard, is coming closer (finished all edits, and the layout is being done). Meanwhile, I'm on Speaking Tiger's international catalogue (Click here to download catalogue) with some impressive authors. Little victories as we move forward :) My listing on page 13. A>

October 2015

From East India to the Caribbean. Live with Aliyyah Eniath

By |2016-03-16T09:08:32-04:00October 31st, 2015|News|

Hi Guys, click the link to view my wacky talk with Kumaar Brogodia, broadcasted in India and online, discussing my upcoming novel The Yard (Speaking Tiger Books), to be released next March in Delhi. I was so nervous, hope I did well! :) https://youtu.be/kx5OEaoFdEQ?t=1

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